Wednesday, August 31, 2011

That’s, Like, Soooo Seven Years Ago…

There is nothing greater than looking through old photos and seeing the clothing and hair choices you made in your younger days.

Oh, wait…

I came across an outfit I wore more than anything else while I lived in England.  Sesame Street Fever T-Shirt, holey jeans that have been patched by other chopped up clothing over and over again, and this gold belt I wore every day.  The only thing I’m missing is the pair of black Chucks I wore to the point of disintegration (literally – I’d duct taped them together).  So, as I nearly always do when cleaning my room, I got distracted and started playing dress up. 

First thought?
“Really?  I used to wear this?  Hmm…  I’m so glad I stopped just admiring fashion and started wearing it…”

Second thought…
“Ha!  They’re HUGE!!!”

I have felt so incredibly defeated lately about so many things, including the fact that I’ve only lost about 1 pound in the last two weeks.  Then I try on clothes from the time I was the happiest I’ve ever been, both with life and with myself, and they’re too big.  Or, should I say, I’m now too small for them.  I had to remind myself, “You have lost nearly 60 pounds since March.  YOU have lost nearly 60 pounds since March...” 

So, in honor of being too small for your clothes, there is a photo above with an outfit that made me feel invincible back then, and a view of what Sarah (yes, my stomach just turned a bit at the realization I spoke in third person) right now would wear and feel equally awesome. 

Third thought.
“Hmm.  This is awesome.  I should totally wear this again…”

We’ll have to see about that.

Photo 1…  Cardigan: Who Knows.  Jeans/Gold Belt: Evans.  Sesame Street Fever Tee: Disney World.
Photo 2…  Shirt/Pants/Black Wedge Ankle Boots/Ted Baker Four Bow Bangle Bracelet: ASOS Curve. 
Grey Faux Suede Moto Jacket:  Evans.  Gold Triangle Necklace/Chain Strap Red Crossbody Bag: Urban Outfitters.

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