According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the average nine-year-old weighs about 60 pounds. I am happy to announce that I have finally gotten rid of an obnoxious, burdensome nine-year-old child. And their four pound teddy bear.
I’ve hovered at 59.5 pounds for the last few weeks. Despite working out, things have been tight and I haven’t been eating as regularly and as balanced as I should. You’d think I'd lose weight that way, but no – it messes with my body. So after a week of good eatin’ as well as regularly working out, I lost 4.5 pounds, which puts me at 252.8. I am SO close to being on the lower end of the 200’s.
I remember celebrating with my roommate when the 300’s were a thing of the past. Now, they’re long gone, never to be seen again. Then I was out of the 290’s, then the 280’s, and now – I’m 3 pounds away from being nearer to the 100’s than the 300’s. And I will never go back.
I was a total nail-biter for most of my life. Then, a few years ago, I wanted to stop. So, I did. When I finally make up my mind about something, it’s done. And I don’t go back. I just wish it didn’t take me so long to finally just do it.
If you’re wondering what my goal is, join the club. Not even I know. Right now, I’m getting there 10 pounds at a time. The weird thing is, the more I lose, the more I’m realizing how much more I have to go. There really, truly is a smaller person underneath all of this than I ever realized. So, why try to pin down something I don’t even quite grasp yet?
I do know what I want, though.
I want to be a healthy, fit, vibrant person. I want to have an overall downward trajectory in my weight loss, even if there are a few squiggles in the line along the way. I want others to be encouraged by my experiences, especially the odd ones that only someone who’s been there might understand. I want others to know they can do this. I want to constantly find joy in the small ways that my life has changed, knowing that a huge thing is happening.
And I want to go shopping, but we’ll talk about that another day.
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