Monday, March 12, 2012

Tuna Squared.

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I ate tuna twice today.  I can't help it.  I am a fish-monster.  I am also an apple-monster lately, but today?  Fish-monster.  I was curious to see if I could find some information about what are typically healthy amounts of fish to consume, and just happened to come across 8 ounces of fish in a day is pretty darn reasonable; no worries here.  But...  Obviously, the best source of finding out anything like this would be visiting your doctor.  In the meantime, I found this website quite informative!  I definitely eat fish quite a few times a week, but not necessarily more than once a day.  I was so pleased with my food today, I just had to share.

Can of tuna, 2 cups spinach, 1/4 of an orange bell pepper chopped, 5 sliced strawberries, dash of grated parmesan, sprinkled with balsamic vinegar.  And only 200 lovely, delicious calories.

4oz seared ahi tuna seasoned with garlic powder, lime, ginger and pepper.  On the side, 2 cups steamed broccoli with some ginger & garlic powder.  It's simple, it's quick, and it's really good.  I'll make it look all staged and pretty for you some other time!  Tonight, I had more important things to do, like, eat it.  I typically cook it for maybe 2 minutes on either side, just long enough to cook the outside edges, leaving the inside rare and pink.  I was a bit distracted playing catch with adorable puppies, though.  Still great!  And also only 200 lovely, delicious calories.

Sometime in the next week, I'm planning on making fish tacos with some blue marlin that's been living in my freezer for about a month.  It is time.  If it turns out well, I'll be sure to provide the recipe!

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